
SUBST for the substitute win!

Welcome all to the world of an older application that was never meant to be multi-user. The application was designed for a desktop OS and for a single user. One way you can get around application work/temp folders is an old DOS command called subst. You can use it to map a folder location as a drive. An example is subst x: c:\users\%username%. You will need to create a folder in the user folder location. Then you can potentially point the INI file for the application to the x: location and now you have a separated workspace for each user. This has helped with more than one application in the past. Sometimes with terminal services and Citrix you have to get a little creative. With the big push of Windows 10, many older applications are being pushed off the desktop and into a virtualized environment as these antiquated applications are usually mission critical and haven’t been re-architected. Hope this brings some help to you!

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