
Table For One? : Making DHCP Reservations And Getting Reservations

Using DHCP reservations and you don’t want to have to use the MMC or remote into the server to make those or see what you have reserved? A quick bit of powershell to make and get those reservations at that exclusive table for you, with a nice little glass of CSV with it!

# A couple of commands to create and get reservations from a remote DHCP server. This requires Powershell Remoting, firewall to open to server, admin rights to server, DhcpServer PS module, and used in ISE 5.1.

# DHCP Remote reservation
$sb = {
  $scopeID = "IPsubnet"
  $clientMac = "clientmacaddress"
  $clientName = "clientcomputername"
  $clientIP = "reserveIPaddress"

  Add-DhcpServerv4Reservation -ScopeId $scopeID -Name $clientName -IPAddress $clientIP  -ClientId $clientMac 
$dhcpServer = "dhcpservername.fqdn"

Invoke-Command -ComputerName $dhcpServer -ScriptBlock $sb

# Get Remote Reservations
$report =@()

$sb = {
  $scopeID = "IPsubnet"
  $output = Get-DhcpServerv4Reservation -ScopeId $scopeID | Select-Object Name, IPAddress, ClientID
  $report += $output

$dhcpServer = "dhcpservername.fqdn"

Invoke-Command -ComputerName $dhcpServer -ScriptBlock $sb

$report | export-csv c:\scripts\logs\dhcpreservations.csv -Append -NoTypeInformation
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