Using DHCP reservations and you don’t want to have to use the MMC or remote into the server to make those or see what you have reserved? A quick bit of powershell to make and get those reservations at that exclusive table for you, with a nice little glass of CSV with it!

# A couple of commands to create and get reservations from a remote DHCP server. This requires Powershell Remoting, firewall to open to server, admin rights to server, DhcpServer PS module, and used in ISE 5.1.

# DHCP Remote reservation
$sb = {
  $scopeID = "IPsubnet"
  $clientMac = "clientmacaddress"
  $clientName = "clientcomputername"
  $clientIP = "reserveIPaddress"

  Add-DhcpServerv4Reservation -ScopeId $scopeID -Name $clientName -IPAddress $clientIP  -ClientId $clientMac 
$dhcpServer = "dhcpservername.fqdn"

Invoke-Command -ComputerName $dhcpServer -ScriptBlock $sb

# Get Remote Reservations
$report =@()

$sb = {
  $scopeID = "IPsubnet"
  $output = Get-DhcpServerv4Reservation -ScopeId $scopeID | Select-Object Name, IPAddress, ClientID
  $report += $output

$dhcpServer = "dhcpservername.fqdn"

Invoke-Command -ComputerName $dhcpServer -ScriptBlock $sb

$report | export-csv c:\scripts\logs\dhcpreservations.csv -Append -NoTypeInformation