Virtualization, technology, and random rantings with a focus on Citrix and VMware.

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More Power From The Warp Cores!

We need more power from the warp core! Captain, I’m givin her all she’s got! Ran across something interesting. Something that I should have thought of before but for some reason, I did not. Windows default power management usually is set for balance even on servers. Didn’t think about it being something similar on Linux distros. It appears that is the case! So…… What I found in an issue with some lag and latency, is that Ubuntu and some other distros use ondemand as a CPU scaling governor as the default power scheme. There are a lot of write-ups on the various scaling governor settings available, so I won’t go into all of those. I will show how to set it to performance. I found that CentOS has this as well, but I am working on how to get it set to performance and will add that here as soon as I get the howto on that. This becomes applicable for your Linux VDI that you could be supporting in your Citrix VDI environment and could run into audio issues or are experience lag with multi-core systems.

So here is the way to set the scaling governor to performance on Ubuntu systems. There are two ways depending on if you are running older than 18.04 or newer than 18.04.

For 18.04 Ubuntu and newer:

Open console and type “cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu*/cpufreq/scaling_governor” to see what it is set to. If it is set to “ondeman,” it is governing the procs. To change to “performance,” type “echo performance > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_governor.” To confirm the change, type “cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu*/cpufreq/scaling_governor” to make sure it is showing performance.

For earlier than 18.04 Ubuntu: (from

Open nano or vi and edit /etc/rc.local and insert these lines before the last line containing exit 0:

sleep 120 # Give CPU startup routines time to settle.
cpupower frequency-set --governor performance

Happy computing with thy VDI! I’ll post the change for CentOS / RedHat when I have the settings available!

Got That CVE?! Here’s Some Fix!

Get your fix on!

Bit of an update that needs some attention! Make sure and go out and get this applied on your ADCs!

Good News Of Perspective

Got some news of something I had been pursuing recently, the CTP. It worked out that this was not the year of attainment for this particular endeavor. Sure there was some disappointment in it. A little bit of sadness. It has actually helped. I’m printing out a copy of that outcome to hang on my wall. I want it to remind me that I need to work harder, give more, and continue to strive for excellence. There are so many talented individuals out there that are a gift to the community and experts in their areas. I want to follow their example. Just have to work harder and try again when the application opens again.

New articles coming!

Have several new articles I’m prepping to release as well as a subscribe option! Sorry it has been dark for a bit. Just trying to get everything written the way I want it before publishing! I’ve got a write-up on configuring the Citrix Gateway (still Netscaler to me) for forward SSL proxy, configuring SSSD for Linux CentOS 7.6, and maybe a thing or two about some oddities with some Citrix Gateway version 13. Ran into an issue with AppFlow that was a reported bug back in the 10.5 nCore days. It hit and it hit hard. It didn’t respect the global disabling feature. But, more on that in the upcoming article! But, a foreshadow…. they fixed it in the current September release of the nCore firmware!! So if you had the first iteration, upgrade it now!!

June Boom!

Sorry for not having the content up in the month of June. It has been crazy busy all around! I have some pics to post from Synergy. I’m posting up my article about installing Linux VDA on 7.6 CentOS and all the fun getting it to work. I have it working with Winbind but no dice on SSSD as of yet. Should have it posted sometime tomorrow. Get your reading goggles ready!

Synergy 2019 Bound!

Headed down to Synergy 2019 in Atlanta! First time getting to go there and looking forward to meeting other engineers and learning and sharing the Citrix experience!

Virtually into the world of virtualizing!

Do you want to build a snowman? I mean….. Maybe that’s the wrong place. Oh well. My name is Kris Davis and I’m a techaholic. Wrong meeting. Back to topic. I’ve been working in the tech world for 18 years ish. My primary focus for the past 12 years or so has been in Citrix and related technologies. I’ve worked with Windows, Linux, Citrix, VMware, scripting, networking, and more. I’ll be working to have weekly-ish posts to put things I’ve found that have been helpful and some walk-throughs. Maybe some rantings or musings on a variety of topics. I do aim to release in pieces at first, a document set that encompasses taking a small to medium scale Citrix installation to a full scale, enterprise solution. I’m in process of deploying a large scale installation as we speak, so I have a lot of content to share from what I have weeded through to find the pieces most useful. The current iteration includes XenApp 7.15LTSR-CU2, PVS 7.15, Netscalers, and some more epic tech. I’ll be posting my failings as well as my success so you can learn and grow with me!

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