Virtualization, technology, and random rantings with a focus on Citrix and VMware.

Tag: license

Get That Outta Here! : Releasing Citrix Cloud User Licenses Via API In Accordance With Citrix EULA

*Update. Changes made due to API only allowing 100 licenses to be released at one time.*

Building on getting the licenses on the last post, how about a way to release them? Obviously you will need to follow the guidelines laid out by Citrix EULA on when you can release licenses: Citrix License Usage.

You do have the option to use the console in Citrix Cloud, but if you prefer to do things via script, you can do that as well!

Important note to make…. The format of the consumerList is what presented the biggest issue. With a bit of assistance from a teammate, it was possible to get the proper way to format the data.

This is the format to have the data in:

Link to developer API document

You’ll notice the consumerList = @() in there. It is expecting to have an array of consumerList be passed to it. If you do not format this way, you will get invalid character errors.

Example of format that will fail all so miserably and give you that wonderful invalid character error:

This is an example of the output that will work and prevent frustration:

Example with five of users:

Example of result of successful release of 5 users:

# Script to release licenses from Citrix Cloud. Tested with PowerShell ISE. Also requires secure-client.csv with ID, Secret, and CustomerID in CSV to pass to Citrix Cloud.
# This must be used in accordance with Citrix EULA for users not having accessed in 30+ day period. Example below is targeting where users that have not logged in over 60 days.
# This will report on what users are in that group over 60 days. You can do a quick check using $releaseUsers.count before doing the release to see how many licenses will be released.
# ALWAYS check the exported report of users before releasing to make sure you are releasing the licenses you are expecting to.

$date           = (Get-Date).AddDays(-60)
$creds          = Import-Csv "c:\scripts\secure-client.csv"
$CLIENT_ID      = $creds.ID
$CLIENT_SECRET  = $creds.Secret
$CUSTOMER_ID    = $creds.CustomerID
$tokenUrl       = ''
$reportName     = "user-license-toRelease.csv"
$getDate        = Get-Date -Format MMddyyyy
$reportLocation = "C:\scripts\logs"

$response       = Invoke-WebRequest $tokenUrl -Method POST -Body @{
  grant_type    = "client_credentials"
  client_id     = $CLIENT_ID
  client_secret = $CLIENT_SECRET

$token = $response.Content | ConvertFrom-Json

$headers              = @{
  Accept              = "application/json"
  Authorization       = "CwsAuth Bearer=$($token.access_token)"
  'Citrix-CustomerId' = $CUSTOMER_ID
$resourceLocUrl = "$CUSTOMER_ID/sites"
$response       = Invoke-WebRequest $resourceLocUrl -Headers $headers
$content        = $response.Content | ConvertFrom-Json
$siteID         = $

$headers              = @{
  Accept              = "application/json"
  Authorization       = "CwsAuth Bearer=$($token.access_token)"
  'Citrix-CustomerId' = $CUSTOMER_ID
  'Citrix-InstanceId' = $siteID

$consumerList = Invoke-RestMethod "" -Method GET -Headers $headers | Select-Object consumerList -ExpandProperty consumerList -ExcludeProperty consumerList
$releaseUsers = $consumerList | Where-Object {[DateTime]$_.latestLogonTime -lt $date} 
$releaseUsers | Export-Csv "$reportLocation\$getDate-$reportName" -Append -NoTypeInformation

if($releaseUsers.count -gt 100){

$smallerCounter = $releaseUsers.Count
$toSkip = 0


$smallerList = $releaseUsers | Select-Object -Skip $toSkip -first 100

$body = @{
    productEdition = "XAXDFull"
    licenseType    = "user"
    consumerList   = @(
} | ConvertTo-Json

Invoke-RestMethod "" -Method POST -Body $body -Headers $headers -ContentType 'application/json'

$toSkip += 100
$smallerCounter -= 100

} Until ($smallerCounter -lt 100)

$smallerList = $releaseUsers | Select-Object -Skip $toSkip -first $smallerCounter

$body = @{
    productEdition = "XAXDFull"
    licenseType    = "user"
    consumerList   = @(
} | ConvertTo-Json

Invoke-RestMethod "" -Method POST -Body $body -Headers $headers -ContentType 'application/json'


License Please! : Get Licensed Users From Citrix Cloud

So you want to find out what licenses are in use? Maybe you want to know licenses that are checked out that might be over 30 days since that user logged in. Maybe you want to know for longer periods of time. You can get this from the Citrix Cloud console. You can also get it another way. And you can filter down to based on if it has been a period of time since the user accessed. This example gets all users then filters down to the latestLogonTime of older than 30 days.

# Script to get license use from Citrix Cloud. Tested with Powershell ISE. Also requires secure-client.csv with ID, Secret, and CustomerID in CSV to pass to Citrix Cloud.
# This creates a csv with the consumerID, deviceCount, consumerDisplayName, latestLogonTime, and firstLogonTime.
<# All fields available:
consumerId          :
consumerDisplayName : user
deviceCount         : 0
userId              :
upn                 :
userName            : user
domain              : domain
latestLogonTime     : UTC Time
firstLogonTime      : UTC Time

$date           = Get-Date
$olderThan      = $date.AddDays(-30)
$creds          = Import-Csv "c:\scripts\secure-client.csv"
$CLIENT_ID      = $creds.ID
$CLIENT_SECRET  = $creds.Secret
$CUSTOMER_ID    = $creds.CustomerID
$tokenUrl       = ''
$reportName     = "user-license-use.csv"
$getDate        = Get-Date -Format MMddyyyy
$reportLocation = "C:\scripts\logs"
$output         = @()
$searchOutput   = @()

$response       = Invoke-WebRequest $tokenUrl -Method POST -Body @{
  grant_type    = "client_credentials"
  client_id     = $CLIENT_ID
  client_secret = $CLIENT_SECRET

$token = $response.Content | ConvertFrom-Json

$headers              = @{
  Accept              = "application/json"
  Authorization       = "CwsAuth Bearer=$($token.access_token)"
  'Citrix-CustomerId' = $CUSTOMER_ID
$resourceLocUrl = "$CUSTOMER_ID/sites"
$response       = Invoke-WebRequest $resourceLocUrl -Headers $headers
$content        = $response.Content | ConvertFrom-Json
$siteID         = $

$headers              = @{
  Accept              = "application/json"
  Authorization       = "CwsAuth Bearer=$($token.access_token)"
  'Citrix-CustomerId' = $CUSTOMER_ID
  'Citrix-InstanceId' = $siteID

$response = Invoke-RestMethod "" -Method 'GET' -Headers $headers

$output = $response.consumerList

foreach($out in $output){
    $line                     = "" | Select-Object consumerId, deviceCount, consumerDisplayName, latestLogonTime, firstLogonTime
    $line.consumerId          = $out.consumerId
    $line.deviceCount         = $out.deviceCount
    $line.consumerDisplayName = $out.consumerDisplayName
    $line.latestLogonTime     = ([DateTime]$out.latestLogonTime)
    $line.firstLogonTime      = ([DateTime]$out.firstLogonTime)

    $searchOutput += $line

$searchOutput | Where-Object latestLogonTime -lt $olderThan| Export-Csv "$reportLocation\$getDate-$reportName" -Append -NoTypeInformation

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