Virtualization, technology, and random rantings with a focus on Citrix and VMware.

Tag: DaaS

Moving Control Plane To Cloud: Setting Up Cloud SDK And Authentication Profiles

This will be first in a series of posts relating to what I found in moving to Citrix Cloud and some of the gotchas I encountered.

Update** Added change to switch profiles to: Get-XDAuthentication -ProfileName “Cloud-Test” -Verbose**

This was a good article to get started with using the Cloud SDK to replace your other SDK you installed with Citrix Studio ( Important note, if you install this with Studio installed, Studio will no worky after the installation.

One of the other things you will have to do, is create an API access account that will download a secureclient.csv that you will use to authenticate and allow you to run commands against Citrix Cloud.

Logon to the Citrix Cloud at and get authenticated.

Click on the hamburger menu in the upper left.

Click on “Identity and Access Management.”

Click on “API Access.”

Fill out the name and click “Create Client.”

Copy and save the “ID” and “Secret.”

Click to download and save the “secureclient.csv” file to store in a safe location.

I added the “CustomerId” field to my secureclient file to pass to the XDCredential setup. To get this, you can see your CCID on the upper-right hand side underneath your name while you are logged into Citrix Cloud.

Below is what I used to configure my access to do the connections. One thing I noticed, if you name the profile anything other than “default,” it prompts for authentication and caused issues for automated scheduled tasks.

# Script to setup Citrix Cloud credential profile
asnp Citrix*

$secureClientProd = “C:\scripts\logs\secureclient-1.csv"
$secureClientTest = “C:\scripts\logs\secureclient-2.csv"
$xdCredsProd = import-csv $secureClientProd
$xdCredsTest = import-csv $secureClientTest

# Set prod profile
Set-XDCredentials -CustomerId $xdCredsProd.CustomerId -SecureClientFile $secureClientProd -ProfileType CloudAPI –StoreAs "default"

# Set test profile if you have a test cloud account
Set-XDCredentials -CustomerId $xdCredsTest.CustomerId -SecureClientFile $secureClientTest -ProfileType CloudAPI –StoreAs "Cloud-Test"

# List profiles
Get-XDCredentials -ListProfile

# Load credentials
Get-XDCredentials -ProfileName "default"

# To change profile credentials
Get-XDAuthentication -ProfileName "Cloud-Test"

# Clear Cloud credentials if you wish to delete a profile
Clear-XDCredentials -ProfileName "profilename"

So what I did to modify most of the scripts I was using before, was to remove the -AdminAddress and add these lines to the top of the scripts, then proceed business as normal. This allowed me to do the same things I was doing before and pass the API securecred file information.

asnp Citrix*
Get-XDCredentials -ProfileName "default"
From Update section to show the change of the profile

Links to other articles in the series:

Part 2 Of Cloud Migration Series: Part 2

Part 3 Of Cloud Migration Series: Part 3

Part 4 Of Cloud Migration Series: Part 4

It Just Didn’t Register: Find Unregistered Machines

Just a quick little script you can add to your daily checks. This has been helpful for me to see if I have something that didn’t want to play nice BEFORE someone calls me and says it is broken. Good to have also if you have multiple hypervisor connections so you can see where at least it is running. Saves you looking around to figure out where it be.

# Get unregistered machine information

$adminAddress = "ddcaddress.fqdn:80"

$unregisteredMachines = get-brokermachine -AdminAddress $adminAddress -MaxRecordCount 25000| where registrationstate -eq "unregistered"
$report = @()
    foreach($unreg in $unregisteredMachines){

      $line = "" | select HostedMachineName, RegistrationState, AssociatedUserNames, DesktopGroupName, CatalogName, InMaintenanceMode, OSType, LastConnectionUser, LastConnectionTime, HypervisorConnectionName, SessionCount

      $line.HostedMachineName        = $unreg.HostedMachineName
      $line.RegistrationState        = $unreg.RegistrationState
      $line.AssociatedUserNames      = $unreg.AssociatedUserNames -join ','
      $line.DesktopGroupName         = $unreg.DesktopGroupName
      $line.CatalogName              = $unreg.CatalogName
      $line.InMaintenanceMode        = $unreg.InMaintenanceMode
      $line.OSType                   = $unreg.OSType
      $line.LastConnectionUser       = $unreg.LastConnectionUser
      $line.LastConnectionTime       = $unreg.LastConnectionTime
      $line.HypervisorConnectionName = $unreg.HypervisorConnectionName
      $line.SessionCount             = $unreg.SessionCount

      $report += $line


    $report |format-table

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