Virtualization, technology, and random rantings with a focus on Citrix and VMware.

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Update to Licensing Report Script

When upgrading licensing from the User Device (U/D) licenses to the Universal Hybrid Multi Cloud (UHMC), I noticed that there was a change on the report outcome. I would receive a divide by zero error. I was like I haven’t tried dividing by zero in a long time, so I guess it was my turn to do so. The link that was previously used to get license info below was no longer working.

This had to be updated because the new UHMC licenses are concurrent licenses and the link for the information on this is different.

This link has some different options to choose from.

I chose the monthPeak in order to get the high mark for the month. There are sub options there I use which are assignedLicenseCount and totalLicenseCount in the script.

In order to get it to work correctly, I had to add my CustomerID in the secureclient.csv and assign it as $CUSTOMER_ID = $creds.CustomerID in the script. You will also need your SDK installed as well as your secureclient.csv file for your credentials to run this. This assumes you want to run Monday through Friday. You can change the section regarding that if you want to run every single day.

When it runs, you get this output

asnp Citrix*

$Today = Get-Date
if(($Today.DayOfWeek) -eq 'Monday')
{$when = $Today.AddDays(-3)}
else{$when = $Today.AddDays(-1)}

$licenseIOwnCount = licensecount

$creds            = import-csv "c:\scripts\Citrix\secureclient.csv"
$CLIENT_ID        = $creds.ID
$CLIENT_SECRET    = $creds.Secret
$CUSTOMER_ID      = $creds.CustomerID
$tokenUrl         = ''

$response         = Invoke-WebRequest $tokenUrl -Method POST -Body @{
  grant_type      = "client_credentials"
  client_id       = $CLIENT_ID
  client_secret   = $CLIENT_SECRET

$token = $response.Content | ConvertFrom-Json

$headers              = @{
  Accept              = "application/json"
  Authorization       = "CwsAuth Bearer=$($token.access_token)"
  'Citrix-CustomerId' = $CUSTOMER_ID
$resourceLocUrl = "$CUSTOMER_ID/sites"
$response       = Invoke-WebRequest $resourceLocUrl -Headers $headers
$content        = $response.Content | ConvertFrom-Json
$siteID         = $

$headers              = @{
  Accept              = "application/json"
  Authorization       = "CwsAuth Bearer=$($token.access_token)"
  'Citrix-CustomerId' = $CUSTOMER_ID
  'Citrix-InstanceId' = $siteID

 # Get Licensing Info
$response            = Invoke-WebRequest "" -Method Get -Headers $headers
$content             = $response.Content | ConvertFrom-Json
$response.Content | ConvertFrom-Json | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 10
$licensingTotalCount = $content.monthPeak.totalLicenseCount
$licensingUsageCount = $content.monthPeak.assignedLicenseCount
$licensingRemaining  = ($licenseIOwnCount - $licensingUsageCount)

$connections = Get-BrokerConnectionLog -BearerToken $headers.Authorization -Filter {BrokeringTime -gt $when} -MaxRecordCount 100000 | Select-Object BrokeringUserName
$billedUnits = import-csv "c:\scripts\Citrix\billedunits.csv"

$CitrixVDIConnected     = (Get-BrokerSession -BearerToken $headers.Authorization  -MaxRecordCount 100000 | Where-Object SessionSupport -eq "SingleSession" | Where-Object SessionState -eq "Active").count
$CitrixVDIDisconnected  = (Get-BrokerSession -BearerToken $headers.Authorization  -MaxRecordCount 100000 | Where-Object SessionSupport -eq "SingleSession" | Where-Object SessionState -eq "Disconnected").count

$ctxUsers = [PSCustomObject] @{

  UniqueCitrixUsers      = ($connections.BrokeringUserName | Select-Object -Unique).count
  CurrentSessions        = (Get-Brokersession -BearerToken $headers.Authorization -MaxRecordCount 100000 | Select-Object BrokeringUserName).count
  CitrixVDISessions      = $CitrixVDIConnected + $CitrixVDIDisconnected
  CitrixLicensesUsed     = $licensingUsageCount
  CitrixTotalLicenses    = $licensingTotalCount
  CtxLicenseFreePercent  = ((($licensingRemaining) / $licensingTotalCount ) * 100).ToString("#.##")
  CtxRemainingLicenses   = $licensingRemaining
  CX10BilledUnits        = $billedUnits.CitrixApp
  VD10BilledUnits        = $billedUnits.CitrixVDI


# HTML Formatting
$style = "<style>BODY{font-family: Arial; font-size: 10pt;}"
$style = $style + "TABLE{border: 1px solid black; border-collapse: collapse;}"
$style = $style + "TH{border: 1px solid black; background: #dddddd; padding: 5px; }"
$style = $style + "TD{border: 1px solid black; padding: 5px; }"
$style = $style + "</style>"

# HTML Email Body
$body = $ctxUsers | ConvertTo-Html -Head $style

# Generates email with attachment
$style = "<style>BODY{font-family: Arial; font-size: 10pt;}"
$style = $style + "TABLE{border: 1px solid black; border-collapse: collapse;}"
$style = $style + "TH{border: 1px solid black; background: #dddddd; padding: 5px; }"
$style = $style + "TD{border: 1px solid black; padding: 5px; }"
$style = $style + "</style>"
$body  = $report | ConvertTo-Html -Head $style
$dateEmail        = Get-Date -Format "MM-dd-yyyy"
$emailFrom        = ""
$emailTo          = ""
$subject          = "Daily Citrix User Check | $dateEmail"
$email            = New-object System.Net.Mail.MailMessage 
$email.From       = New-Object $emailFrom
$email.Subject    = $subject
$email.IsBodyHtml = $true
$email.body       = $body
$smtpserver       = ""
$smtp             = new-object Net.Mail.SmtpClient($smtpServer)

Table For One? : Making DHCP Reservations And Getting Reservations

Using DHCP reservations and you don’t want to have to use the MMC or remote into the server to make those or see what you have reserved? A quick bit of powershell to make and get those reservations at that exclusive table for you, with a nice little glass of CSV with it!

# A couple of commands to create and get reservations from a remote DHCP server. This requires Powershell Remoting, firewall to open to server, admin rights to server, DhcpServer PS module, and used in ISE 5.1.

# DHCP Remote reservation
$sb = {
  $scopeID = "IPsubnet"
  $clientMac = "clientmacaddress"
  $clientName = "clientcomputername"
  $clientIP = "reserveIPaddress"

  Add-DhcpServerv4Reservation -ScopeId $scopeID -Name $clientName -IPAddress $clientIP  -ClientId $clientMac 
$dhcpServer = "dhcpservername.fqdn"

Invoke-Command -ComputerName $dhcpServer -ScriptBlock $sb

# Get Remote Reservations
$report =@()

$sb = {
  $scopeID = "IPsubnet"
  $output = Get-DhcpServerv4Reservation -ScopeId $scopeID | Select-Object Name, IPAddress, ClientID
  $report += $output

$dhcpServer = "dhcpservername.fqdn"

Invoke-Command -ComputerName $dhcpServer -ScriptBlock $sb

$report | export-csv c:\scripts\logs\dhcpreservations.csv -Append -NoTypeInformation

Happy Father’s Day!

Happy Easter Everyone!

That One Time, You Got SMAPP’d!

So you run SiteManager. And somebody done decided they want to make a new server that will host the security.dat file. And… You already did the work to create custom .ini file locations for the users. NOW you have to change all those smapp.ini files with the updated location of the security.dat file. How dare they?! Well. That could be some fun if you have a lot of users. Wait…. Powershell for the rescue! If you happen to use a profile server to host the user files, you can easily replace it with the new location of the security.dat file.

Update: Not sure what happened, but the code paste didn’t take evidently. I blame gremlins. It has been corrected.

# Replace a line / value in .ini file stored in Citrix UPM folder location when a change to the application is made.
# An example is for SiteManager, if you change the location of the .dat file for security.dat file and you are using a custom .ini
# created and stored with the user profile.

$filePath = "e:\locationofupmfolders"

$Files = Get-ChildItem -Path $filePath -Recurse -File -force -Include "smapp.ini"

foreach($file in $files)
        $find = "value-you-want-to-change"
        $replace = "value-you-want-to-change-to"
        $content = Get-Content $($file.FullName) -Raw
        #write replaced content back to the file
        $content -replace $find,$replace | Out-File $($file.FullName) | write-output

Easy peasy. Now they have the new location of the security.dat file!

Merry Christmas to All!

That is all. Just a Merry Christmas!

Looks Like A CVE That Needs Some Attention!

Check and see if you are affected and get that firmware updated!

Is That VM Running Or Taking A Nap?

Have you ever had machines not reboot properly? Have you had VMs you just don’t know if are awake and ready to serve your hungry customers? Have you ever just wanted to know if they are stepping through their paces? Well, here at XenApplePie, we have a solution for you! For only 35 payments of $0.00, you too can own this piece of automated automation!

But seriously. Sometimes you have a reboot policy set on your Delivery Group, and for some reason that pesky VM just doesn’t want to turn back on (From checking what it does, it looks like the DDC sends a shutdown and then a start command to reboot it). If you have had this happen, it can be frustrating to come in and either your hosting machine is off and users can’t access, or you can have a machine turned up to 11 to support your users. This little script, ran daily, can help prevent such frustrations and symptoms such as: pounding head on desk; shouting to the skies about your fury; verbal diarrhea of expletives not suitable for aural consumption.

Update below to the trim method used. The new method uses the split method versus the substring method. This method will work better as the length of the domain name won’t affect the outcome of the scripts and will save from making edits to the script for each domain. Another edit is for the HTML formatting to make it more readable in the report that is emailed.

So without further ado, well, ado ado ado. Here you go!

# This script was tested with 1912LTSRCU1 using Powershell 5.1.17763.1852 with PowerCLI version VMware PowerCLI 12.2.0 build 17538434 on vSphere 7.x.
# Build Date: 06292021
# The above link contains the method to encrypting the password to use for the script and schedule in task scheduler.

# Loads Citrix snapins (This is assuming you have loaded the Citrix SDK / Studio on the machine that will run the check.)
Add-PSSnapin Citrix*

# vCenter connection section
# This tells PowerCLI to ignore invalid certicate action.
Set-PowerCLIConfiguration -InvalidCertificateAction Ignore -DisplayDeprecationWarnings $false -Scope Session -Confirm:$false

# This section is done via the method above in the pdq article for doing powershell scripts with encryption to show how to make the cred file, key file, and encrypt the information.
# The section also from
$password = Get-Content C:\scripts\creds.txt | ConvertTo-SecureString -Key (Get-Content C:\scripts\creds.key)
$credentials = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PsCredential("domain\username",$password)
Connect-VIServer somevcenteraddress -Credential $credentials
# End

# This is to get the list of machines from the delivery controller with the filter to get a specific set of machines.
$machines = Get-BrokerMachine -AdminAddress "delivery-controller.domainfqdn:80" -Filter {CatalogName -contains '*some_catalog_name_string*'}|Select-Object -Property machinename, desktopgroupname,inmaintenancemode

# This sets up an array to manipulate
$machine_array = @($machines)

# This goes through the array and removes VMs that have the "inmaintenancemode" value set as "True."
$machines_avail = $machine_array |where-object {$_.inmaintenancemode -ne "true"}

# The output of the Get-Brokermachine will retrieve the "machinename" with the domain preface. This trims the preface domain\servername. This method is better than the previously listed method as it will split at the "\" character, regardless of the length of the domain preface.
$vmtrim = $machine_avail.machinename
$vmtrimmed = (($vmtrim)|%{ ($_ -split '\\')[1]})

# This takes the result of the value above and assigns it to another variable that will be used to power on machines that have powered off.
$vmnames = $vmtrimmed

# This gets the additonal information from the "Get-VM" command and places it in a variable.
$vm = Get-VM $vmnames

# This creates and assigns the output of the "foreach if / else" loop. 
# This section was utilized from site ""
$output = $vm | foreach {

# This checks to see the value of the "PowerState" being "PoweredOff."
    if ($_.PowerState -eq "PoweredOff") {

# This shows a message that a VM was started and generates an output for your report.
        "Starting $($ on $($_.VMHost)"

# This starts the VM and captures the output for the report.
        $StartingVMs = Start-VM $_ -Confirm:$false


    else {

# This generates a message for the output for the report if the VM is already running.
        "$($ is already running on $($_.VMHost)"



# HTML Formatting
$style = "<style>BODY{font-family: Arial; font-size: 10pt;}"
$style = $style + "TABLE{border: 1px solid black; border-collapse: collapse;}"
$style = $style + "TH{border: 1px solid black; background: #dddddd; padding: 5px; }"
$style = $style + "TD{border: 1px solid black; padding: 5px; }"
$style = $style + "</style>"

# HTML Email Body
$body = $report | ConvertTo-Html -Head $style
# End of section from ""

# Generates email with attachment.
# This section to end was gotten from assistance from the author of This also uses the .NET method of generating the email.
# Notesofascripter section
$date = Get-Date -Format "MM-dd-yyyy"
$emailFrom = ""
$emailto = ""
$subject = "Daily Something Server Check| $date" 
$email = New-object System.Net.Mail.MailMessage 
$emailCC = ""
$Email.From = New-Object $emailFrom
$email.Subject = $subject
$email.IsBodyHtml = $true
#$attachment = $Reports[1]
#$email.Attachments.add($attachment) If you want to do as attachment
$email.body = $body

$smtp = new-object Net.Mail.SmtpClient($smtpServer)
# End of Notesofascripter section.

# Disconnect from vcenter
Disconnect-VIServer * -confirm:$false

Happiest of New Year’s!

May 2020 leave heartily and 2021 not be 2020 remastered!

Happy Merry Christmas!

Be safe this holiday season! Spend time with what’s important! Make sure and take some time to unplug and reflect on the year. Make the next one better than this one. I mean, 2020 was kind of a rather peculiar year. So it stands to reason a better year is attainable!

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